
Obstetrical ultrasounds determine the presence and well-being of an embryo and provides accurate dating. In the second trimester, we examine your baby and their anatomical development, look at the position of the placenta, and check on the growth and well-being of your baby throughout your pregnancy.

The early obstetrical ultrasound usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy (under 13 weeks). It will be used to evaluate the uterus and look for embryos, which is usually visible with a heartbeat at six weeks gestation. This exam is best performed at or after seven weeks.

Internal ultrasound or endo-vaginal ultrasound may be required on pregnancies younger that 6weeks or if the embryo is not clearly seen.

The early obstetrical ultrasound may be ordered to date your pregnancy or to confirm the embryo’s size. It may also be requested for other indications. For example, if you are having vaginal bleeding or pain in the pelvic area, and to evaluate the ovaries.

Preparation: You will need a full bladder for this exam: Finish drinking 4 cups of water an hour before the exam, do not empty your bladder until after the exam is completed.

A detailed obstetrical ultrasound is performed during the second trimester of pregnancy, 20-22 weeks is best for this examination. During this examination we evaluate the cervix, placenta and position of the placenta, amniotic fluid, and all the detail structures of your baby. These structures include the brain anatomy, face, nose lips, orbits, abdominal organs, the heart, arms, hands, legs, feet and spine. At this time, you could ask to find out the gender of the baby.

We will do measurements to determine your baby’s size and growth.

Preparation: You will need a full bladder for this exam: Finish drinking 3 cups of water an hour before the exam, do not empty your bladder until after the exam is completed.

During the third trimester, we will measure your baby’s growth, follow up on the placenta position in proximity to the cervix, check to assure the amount of amniotic fluid is sufficient, and also document the positions or lie of the baby.

During a biophysical profile and growth ultrasound, we check on your baby’s growth and well-being. You may have more than one during this time period to monitor interval growth of your baby.

Preparation: You will need to finish drinking 2 cups of water an hour before the exam, do not empty your bladder until after the exam is completed.

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